Practise Ashwini Mudra

Ashwini Mudra

Ashwini Mudra, is also called ‘Horse Mudra’ as this is done by a horse while defecating and many times during the day.

In this mudra, contract the anal sphincter muscle rhythmically to strengthen the pelvic organs (bladder, uterus, cervix, vagina, and rectum). Unlike most of the Hasta Mudras or Hand Gestures, in this mudra, there is no active involvement of hands or fingers.

The contraction action of anal sphincter muscle in Ashwini mudra reverses the energy flow direction. Therefore, the energy that normally flows down and out of the body (Apana Vayu) now starts flowing up into internal organs. When Apana Vayu fills with full capacity in lower organs, the pressure developed at the bottom of Sushmana Nadi which makes Prana start flowing through it. Obstacle free flow of Prana through Sushmana Nadi enlightens a person and it’s the sign of awakened kundalini.

How to practise Ashwini Mudra:

  • Sit in a  meditative pose like Lotus pose, Easy pose, or Vajrasana and take a few deep breaths to fill air into the stomach. Ashwini mudra  can be practised in other asanas also those that  bring hips together, like the upward facing dog.
  • To begin, inhale fully and hold the breath in, then contract your anal sphincter muscles. Contracting anal sphincter muscle will feel like as you’re holding in faeces (imaginary).
  • Now as you are contracting the anal sphincter muscles, lift the muscles more inward and up.
  • Contract and pull up muscle in this manner for 5 seconds and then release the pressure.
  • Again contract, pull up and release slowly.
  • Do it for 10 to 15 rounds in the beginning.

How do you know you are doing it right?

When you do the Ashwini Mudra correctly, you will feel the upstream flow of Prana is the sign. You might sense slight shivers run from the bottom of the spine and along it to the top of your head. So, you inhale, hold your breath, do the required number of contractions, then you relax the anal muscles, but do not release the Ashwini Mudra yet after you done the last contraction; keep it for a little while instead, then exhale, and while releasing the mudra try to feel how prana after reaching the top of your head, goes down through your muscles, bones and organs, and as it gathers in the areas a little below the navel. Practice helps to gain a good understanding of this Mudra. 


  • Helps  you better control your autonomic nervous system.
  • Urinary incontinence, and bed-wetting in children or nightfall can be prevented by doing Ashwini mudra daily. It strengthens the weak muscles of the pelvic floor.
  • Effective exercise in the case of piles (hemorrhoids). It increases blood circulation in the anus and treats any swollen veins in the lowest part of your rectum. For piles patients, Ashwini mudra should be performed in an inverted pose to get relief from the piles’ irritation.
  • Regulates the Prostate gland and avoids any symptoms of Prostate Problems. 
  • In the case of Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Ashwini mudra is very helpful, especially when done in Vajrasana. It treats stomach pain, flatulence, diarrhea, and constipation.
  • Since it cures problems with digestion it leads to  glowing skin. 
  • Helps in sexual dysfunctions and boost sexual health in both men and women
  • It  purifies the Nadis (energy channels) and in turn helps in awakening of kundalini energy.
  • After and before pregnancy, Ashwini mudra can be performed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscle that gives support to the growing weight of the fetus.
  • Stagnant blood from the abdomen  and lower extremities is pulled up to the heart, which once purified, the heart pumps as fresh blood to these parts of the body.
  • It helps in the optimum functioning of the adrenal gland and controls cortisol levels i.e. the stress hormone and hence eliminates stress and depression.
  • Other endocrine glands are regulated by this mudra so the overall function of the endocrine system is improved.
  • It strengthens the muscles of the uterus muscles and helps easing the menstrual cycle.


Recent abdominal surgery and Anal fistula